Vanni lives and works in Umbria surrounded by an uncontaminated nature, often suggesting artistic plots then narrated with a chromaticity clearly linked to the mediterranean light belonging to his roots.
After the first artistic studies in Rome, Vanni perfected his pictorial path in Paris, where he lived for several years, coming into contact with the varied and stimulating artistic world of the French capital.
After attending "Les Etudes des Beaux-Arts de Paris", the artist perfected his studies at the ateliers of established contemporary expressionists whose teachings have definitively traced his pictorial direction: the observation of the surrounding spaces and their chromaticities .
His palmarès includes varied personal and collective exhibitions (Italy, France, Belgium, Hungary, Luxembourg and Greece), as well as various cultural events in which he took part, always enjoying success with critics and the public.
Vanni's pictorial language takes form in works that unequivocally testify to the fascination caused by the mediterranean light : bright visions and clear and dazzling contrasts of colors. These counterpoints lead the artist's production to the perennial search for a more marked and evident chiaroscuro code. Dominant colors, therefore, decided and filtered by a gaze dazzled by the sun able to grasp the contours of things. Hence an intense palette, rich in color, given without chromatic complacency and which seems to sculpt what the eye catches in space.