From the tree of life to the forces that move our spirit Where do we start from to deal with such a delicate issue?


We always start from the beginning - a teacher always told me - and then, why not? - let's start from Genesis ...
"He formed man from the dust of the Earth, blew the breath of life into his nostrils and Man became a living soul."

Man is therefore composed of body and soul. We do not see it but it is there, it is in us. We nourish our body, so why shouldn't we also nourish the other component that strictly belongs to us and is within us? The sustenance of our inner space cannot be considered a different moment from the one we ordinarily take to nourish, materially, our being.
In fact, any sage on the planet will always tell us that providing food for our soul is the fundamental prerequisite for the development of our person.

So how can we feed this part of us?

There are no recipes in this regard as in the case of physical nourishment, but only a very personal search for tools or initiatives that can help us find food for our soul. The creative or participatory moments, which we instinctively or passionately resort to, are for example one of these occasions: painting precisely, but also listening to music or reading a particularly engaging book or participation in an activity in which we believe, in short, one of those moments, just to represent them concretely, in which the ringing of our telephone makes us abandon a "higher position than our state" to dramatically fall back on earth.

But why have we been annoyed back to Earth? Where did we go?

We are not ascetics and therefore in those moments we certainly did not detach ourselves from earthly things to undertake a path of purification aimed at contemplation. And yet - with our isolation in painting - we had temporarily abandoned the worries of the Quaternary and we felt we were embarking on a small journey, but to where?

It is difficult to give a certain and shared answer to this question. By abstracting ourselves from earthly thoughts, thanks to the help of painting or other nourishment for the soul, we had perhaps undertaken a small ascent along our personal Tree of Life, temporarily abandoning the World of Action to travel that of Formation through the paths that Malkuth (the below) turn towards Kether (the Most High)
This is said to be the path we walk as emotion perceivers as they enhance our moral virtues and increase the states of our soul.
But colors are not just tools for the growth of the soul for the emotions they provide. They also serve as an instrument of representation and identification.
I have never been to India but if one day I were lucky enough to go, I would certainly try to participate in the celebrations of a deeply felt holiday in that country and in all Indian communities around the world: the Holi holiday.
The translation from Hindi is "burns" and, in fact, at the end of February and the beginning of March, according to the day of the full moon, the populations burn a puppet depicting the king of demons the evening before the festival. and the next day they celebrate the approach of spring by throwing powders and colored waters, first on the ashes of the bonfires and then on all the participants in the joyful party.
In fact, Indians believe in the purifying action of material color which, once it enters the body through the pores, would strengthen its natural defenses and embellish it.
Thanks to the festival of Holi, the symbolic value of color is powerful: it represents the unity and equality of peoples: everyone, rich and poor, women and men, can throw powders and colored waters on their neighbor regardless of caste problems. or sex. For one day everyone gets together to celebrate and every barrier is broken down. Let's think about what magic color does in a country where, as is well known, respect for caste is absolute and men seem to enjoy - at least until now - privileges not granted to women.

Without falling into the easy support of chromotherapy, it will suffice to remember in this regard how the Hindu doctrine not only attributes to each of the seven Chakras the task of presiding over the physical function with which it is associated, but is one of the six small "wheels" useful for the ascent of nourishment. of the soul: from the red Kundhalini to the seventh Chakra also represented by a symbolic purple wheel placed at the apex of our Tree of Life.

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