Technique, shape and color
My personal vision


I have always thought that the success of a painting, or rather of a pictorial style, largely depended on the concomitant presence of these three elements. By Form I mean what one likes to represent: be it a figurative subject or even an improvised abstract chaos. The only difference between the two manifestations is represented by the organ that gives them life: the first is captured by our eye - let's think for example of Monet's visual obsessions - the second will be a project, equally concrete, but which will instead be born in the our mind. An intuition that does not exist in nature but exclusively ours. A unicum ... And now - at the moment when everything is about to become a stretch - we need to interpret in the most appropriate and harmonious way what is born within: the Technique will help us, but not immediately ..... in a second time. In fact, I would define the Technique as an obligatory passage that is carried out in several stages, a series of experiences and disappointments, an artistic baggage that - born with childish enthusiasm - undergoes an evolution over time and over time that goes to accord with seasons of different artistic maturity. Continuous research is an obligatory step for every artist .... it is his growth, his maturing, it is the damnation that he has to suffer in order to continually intrigue his audience. Even the Technique, in his own way and with the times, is a continuous motion of him. And finally what would all the work done so far be without Color? It is the concluding moment, the synthesis of all the work carried out so far. The chromatic agreement is in fact the element that binds the first two fundamental values in a conclusive and decisive way. And it too, like 314, is an endless beginning. Once again, starting from finite things, such as primary colors, we never reach a conclusion as the colors they generate are infinite. And here, once again, research - which we thought was a prerogative of the technique alone - comes to the rescue in composing the visual concerts deemed most appropriate from time to time. How many artists have spent hours and hours studying on Ostwald's color circles or on the color oppositions formulated by Hitten ... How many times have we studied the most suitable color combinations to interpret the emotions of a particular pictorial moment .... Well, I wanted to write these few notes so that when you see an artist at work you can know the thoughts that are running through his mind .... at that moment

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